Fox Mulder
Olga began studying music at age 7, when he entered the choir of Radio and Television, where she sang 10 years of classical and spiritual works, and then introduced to the subculture of punk rock was determined to create his own band. After passing a series of unsuccessful musical alliances, she stopped in rok'n'rollnom kollektiveThe Jelly Rolls, which exists to this day. This team participates Krainov Ivan (guitar). Nikita Enakaevym (drums) met Olga at a concert The Jelly Rolls.
Nikita began his musical career at age 14 on the instrument bass guitar. In the next ten years Nikita participated in various groups, most of which was the group The Whiplash (St.Peterburg, Russia), and influenced by the work of the team Rage against the Machine. At 24, Nikita Enakaevpomenyal tool on drums. In autumn 2011, Nikita and Ivan Olgapredlozhili Krainov create a new project.
At 16, Ivan Krainov inspired The Beatles, Boris Grebenshikov and Bulat Okudzhava, picked up a guitar, and do not ever let go. Of acoustic guitar gradually turned into electricity, with echoes of the American psychedelic scene 60's, then in her early punk heard the Stooges, developing into the roar of almost all British post-punk wave - Joy Division, Cure, Sisters of Mercy. Now it offers a variety of sound effects that create a unique atmosphere of space, flight and infinity.
December 4, 2011 was held the first rehearsal of Fox Mulder, after which it became clear that this project - it's what I always wanted to do one of three.
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