S.O.K. group - the star of Modern Rock & Reggae. Founding father MakSOK famous throughout Russia, his hits: "Minibus", "Girl», «Love», «Solitude" ... The official date of birth "Eat two pieces" is considered to February 6, 2000, when the band played their first big concert in Saint Petersburg at the "Petrograd rock", which was the winner and received a prize and certificate winner. Global thematic groups have been present from the very first album. "We do not sing about ganja, we sing about love" - said solemnly MakSOK one of the first album, though, and that, and the main thing a lot of songs by the group said in S.O.K. Overall, the group's concerts can be characterized as the holidays of sun, love and collective consciousness, as well as choral singing halls and accumulation of positive people. In other words, all brilliant - easy.
The group is known far beyond the borders of his native city. It was in St. Petersburg, where few of the summer and the sun, in the concrete jungle of the metropolis, where the ocean is a dream and not a daily occurrence, and the sunny days are in short supply, lives and works its mission group Eat two pieces, that's what the abbreviation stands for SO K.
The group combines elements of reggae, pop-punk, disco-funk, alternative, by the same musicians loved definition Rasta-Punk, which the group has successfully developed without associating it with drug use: "... we do not eat the grass, we sing about of love. " Believes in it and sing about it S.O.K.
Take all myself, eat two pieces and be harmonious.
Recharge your batteries S.O.K. - 100% antidepressant.
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